Thursday, April 12, 2007

Scroll Down the Page

...and look at the news stories on the right.

Check out any that strike your interest.

Please suggest new search terms that may be useful.

Usually the hits we get are from:
-Local newspapers covering debate activities.
-College and university newspapers covering the activities of their team.
-Blogs by people who are involved in the activity.
-Media news about debate on television, in documentaries or in the movies.
-Reports from countries where debate may be a newer activity and the press is featuring it.
-Press releases put put out by schools or teams.
-Websites created by new debate and forensics organizations.
-Websites built by individual debate organizers.
-Other stories too diverse to mention.

Please leave comments about other search terms you would like.
-Unexpected sources.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Debate News Page Begins

There are many stories about debate activities that are produced every day in the global infosphere. Check them out and be aware using this site. New search terms are always welcome and accepted.

Just check out the lists of stories on the right.

Please leave a comment if you have more ideas for search terms.

Check out stories in more detail at